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Get Involved

Involvement comes in all shapes & sizes!

Here are some suggestions for getting involved at Holt:

 Your interest in their work & school life encourages & supports your child’s development!

Support Reading and Homework:

Sit side by side with early readers to help with homework pages;  Finger read each night with early readers;  Ask questions about homework assignments;  Follow up on assigned projects;  Quiz your child on spelling words;  Read chapter books together;  Provide time and support for homework each day.

Check out the Holt Website and Read Quick News:

Instead of monthly, hardcopy newsletters, we will regularly post important information on our Holt website. Each Monday we email the Holt Quick News to keep parents in-the-know about what is going on at Holt.  Occasionally, the school will use the auto-dialer system to get time sensitive information to everyone. Please listen to the autodialer message or read the Holt Quick News to stay informed.

Attend Holt events and classroom performances:

Any time you come to the school, you are showing your support and the importance you place on school work.  Studies show this is inspiring to children.  It also gives you new ways to converse with your child about his/her school activities.

Attend Holt Night Out events:

Throughout the year we will have Holt Night Out events at various restaurants.  Holt will receive a percentage from sales for the night.  Please watch the website and Holt Quick News for information on Holt Night Out events.

Ask your child’s teacher about classroom needs:

Ask your teacher how you can help in the class with students, projects or take-home work.  20 minutes you spend making copies or prepping for a project may free up time for your teacher to focus on his/her students.

Attend PAHS kick off meeting and PAHS general meetings:

We will provide an overview of PAHS and present the plan for the year at our annual Kick-Off Meeting.  We will sign people up to work on committees during the year. We will also let you know when our General Meetings are for the year. We hope you will join us for our General Meetings. We strive to hold at least 5 General Meetings per year.

Choose a committee to help with:

Some committees work all year (Teacher Appreciation) and some work on a single event (Book Fair, Holtoberfest).  Pick one that matches your interests & time. More volunteer opportunities will be posted in our QuickNews weekly email.

Check out the online volunteer sign up for volunteer needs:

We use an online sign up system (Sign Up Genius) for volunteer opportunities.  This will allow people to search for times that fit into their schedule and to look for one-time events or ongoing weekly activities.

Support the Holt Bolt:

Encourage your child’s enthusiasm for the event;  Ask family, friends or co-workers to support your child;  Cheer on students the day of the event.

Volunteer to read with students:

Set aside time weekly to read one on one with students through a program called Read Naturally.  Volunteers have been amazed at how effective this quick, easy program has been with improving reading skill.

Ask your employer about donations of money or products:

Some ideas from past years:  Companies have sponsored an assembly, donated pizza, donated color copies, provided soup for teacher grading day, etc.

Join the PAHS board or attend a board meeting:

Board meetings are open to everyone. We hold monthly PAHS Board Meetings in the Holt Library.

Talk to any board member about your interests and ideas:

If you’d like to talk about where your interests and talents may fit in at Holt, any board member would be excited to talk to you and encourage you to get involved!

Background Check Info:

If you would like to volunteer at Holt you must first complete a criminal background check.  Get started by completing the Volunteer Application.