Quick News | Month Month, 2025
Holt Night Out - Panera, THURSDAY, 4:00-8:00
Thursday, March 20 from 4:00-8:00 is a Holt Night Out PTO fundraiser at Panera at Gateway. Just show the flyer or for online order use the promo code FUNDU.
3rd Grade Cultural Heritage Night, TUESDAY @6:30
3rd Grade Cultural Heritage Night will be Tuesday, March 18th, from 6:30 to 7:15. It is always such a magical night—we hope you will join us in celebrating the hard work of this amazing group! The night of the event, students are more than welcome to bring in props, decorations, or food to share that relate to their projects.
Holt School Spirit Day, FRIDAY - When I Grow Up Day/Career Day
Holt Spirit Day, and this time, it’s When I Grow Up Day/Career Day! Kids can think about what career they want when they grow up and dress up for that job! Or just wear your Holt Spirit Gear or school colors.
Check the Lost & Found
All items left after spring break will be donated.
Annual Holt Bolt Jog-a-Thon Fundraiser
Thursday, April 17 WebsiteWe are one month away from our annual fundraiser, the Holt Bolt Jog-a-thon. An introduction letter was sent home last week to let everyone know about the event. Online fundraising is already up and running. The physical fundraising packets will be sent home with students on Tuesday, April 1st. We still need volunteers to help with the Holt Bolt. If you are available and able to, please come help us out. Volunteer here.
Shift 1: 8am to 10am (K, 1 & 2 run from 8:30am to 9:30am)
Shift 2: 10am to 12pm (3, 4, & 5 run from 10:25am to 11:25am)
Campus security will be on site during this event to help monitor spectators and ensure the safety of all our students.
Day of Volunteers sign in as VOLUNTEERS
To make this event successful, we require around 40 volunteers during each running session. These individuals have to sign in at the office as a volunteer, which indicates that they have an approved 4J background check on file. These are the only adults who will be able to be out on the course and interact with the students during the event. If you would like to interact with the students, please sign up above as a volunteer.
Spectators sign in as VISITORS
We love having families come out and participate as spectators for this event. These individuals have to sign in at the office as visitors. You do not have to have an approved 4J background check on file but the system does a quick background check to approve you to be on the school grounds. We ask that all spectators stay on the side walks, do not go into the street or on the course, do not use spray bottles or misters on any students (even if it's their own child), remain positive for all our students participating, and be respectful to everyone around them.
Siblings, who are between the ages of 0-5, are allowed to come out and be a spectator. For their safety and everyone else, please follow the guidelines of being a spectator and keep the younger children on the sidewalks and out of the way of the runners.
Spectators who refuse to sign in at the office
For our students' safety, if you do not have a white badge visible or are not able to show us you signed in at the front office, you will be asked to stand out on the street sidewalk. You will not be able to step onto school grounds during the event or interact with any students. Campus security will be on site to manage any issues that may arise.
PTO Items of Note!
BottleDrop Earth Week Give Campaign: April 15 to April 26, Grab some Blue Bags from the Holt Office and start saving up your Bottles and Cans over spring break for our next Bottle & Can drive. BottleDrop will match 20% of what we bring in during this fundraiser. (See website for more details). Spring Carnival: May 9 Website
We are needing volunteers for our spring carnival. If you are interested, know of anyone who wants to volunteer, sign up here.
If you know of any local businesses that have volunteer hours for their employees, please let Tiffany or I know so we can reach out and we can get some extra community volunteers for this event.
Spring Book Fair: May 9 - May 15 Website
We are in need of volunteers for our Spring Book Fair. Sign up to volunteer HERE.
Food Assistance Donations are Accepted Now! Want to help Harlow Serves with its food assistance program? Holt has two barrels where families can drop off any donations. Families can also make online donations through the Holt PTO Zeffy portal.
Golden Apple Awards: Nominate a valued 4J employee or volunteer for a Golden Apple Award at 4j.lane.edu/goldenapple! 4j.lane.edu/goldenapple
Holt Spirit Gear Limited Time Sale Ends THURSDAY: Here is a special limited "Holt Bolts Rock" Spirit Gear Sale for a new, unique design by a Holt student! The sale is now through Thursday, March 20. Order HERE!
DONATIONS NEEDED: Boys & Girls Pants/Underwear Accidents happen. The office could use donations of small boys and girls pants. Anything from size 6-10
PTO VRC - School Cents Fundraiser: EARN 3x POINTS by submitting receipts from All American Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Shops, Candy Tyme, Cotton On, H&M, Hot Topic, Journeys, PacSun, Pandora, Vans, and West End Boutique. Submit Receipts Here or email holtelementaryschoolcents@gmail.com for the PTO to submit receipts on your behalf!
Knowing your Community Resources April 8th, 6:00-7:00 PM at the 4J Ed Center Auditorium, 200 N Monroe St., learn about Community resources and activities available for your child and ways to access them. Engage with and discuss educational opportunities, camps, and enrichment activities.
Join the adventure at Cub Scout Pack 175!
Cub Scouting is for boys and girls in Grades K-12. Make new friends, share exciting adventures, and develop new skills!
Meetings every Tuesday @ 7:00 P.M Garden Way Church – 231 N Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 Contact: Tom Phillips (541) 342-4403 or phillipstw@hotmail.com
Free Clothes, Shoes, & Coats, SATURDAY
Free clothes, shoes, socks, and coats for infants, children, teens, and adults at 1855 Cal Young Rd, Eugene. The store is open from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month (except for school Holiday weekends).
3/3-3/15, PTO School Cents Hope & Safety Alliance Donation Drive3/12, 6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library & GoogleMeet)3/14, 1:00-3:00, Food and Clothing Distribution (Sheldon Community Center)3/18, 6:00-7:00, 3rd Grade Cultural Heritage Night 3/19, 6:30-7:30, Conscious Discipline Parent Education Series (Library) 3/20, 4:00-8:00, Holt Night Out - Panera (Gateway) 3/21, Holt School Spirit Day - When I Grow Up Day/Career Day!3/24 - 3/31, No School - Spring Break4/1, Classes Resume
4/2, Monthly Walk+Roll to School Day 4/3, 6:00, Accessible Education Parent Group (Library) 4/7, Holt Night Out - Papa's Pizza Fundraiser 4/8, 6:00-7:00, Know Your Community Resource (4J Ed Center, 200 N. Monroe) 4/9, 6:00-7:00, PTO Meeting (Library & GoogleMeet) 4/11, No School – Mid-Term Grading Day 4/11, 1:00-3:00, Food and Clothing Distribution (Sheldon Community Center) 4/12, 9:00-11:30, Free Clothes, Shoes, & Coats (1855 Cal Young Rd) 4/17, Holt Bolt (Jog-a-Thon)! 4/17, 5:30-7:30, Noche de Familia (Cafeteria)
Breakfast and lunch menus are available on the 4J Menu Website. Make sure you filter to Holt Elementary.